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Zapup by 500apps

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A Zapup by 500apps account is required to use this integration.

Connect SMS and more to your apps with Zapup

Integrate SMS messaging and more with your ZapUp by 500apps account

Unlimited workflows - Create unlimited zaps to automate your complex manual workflows.

Access 200+ SaaS apps - Access all popular SaaS applications which are used in Day-to-day business operations.

Drag and Drop visual connector - Connect the applications in just a few clicks by using our drag & drop visual connector.

Integrate Built-in BPMApp and Botpath for advanced business process automation.

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What you can do with
Zapup by 500apps + ClickSend

  • Send SMS messages feature icon

    Send SMS messages

    Send a text message to a specific number. Perfect for one-on-one conversations, automatic reminders and more.

  • Bulk Messaging feature icon

    Bulk messaging

    Send bulk SMS or MMS to the contact lists stored in your ClickSend account. Reach up to 20,000 contacts at once.

CTA hero graphic of a magician with a rabbit in a hat and a wand

Plug and play with a free account

Want to hook ClickSend up to your top tools? Get started with a free ClickSend account. It only takes a few minutes to set up.